UX planning and design
The nature of MGF’s business – structural support for construction products – meant that they need to interact with and provide information to a number of different influencers across the purchase process.
But the UX design and layout of their website wasn’t effective in supporting visitors, with no clear idea of target user journeys and how they should be guided through the site. A ground-up approach was needed to establish who MGF’s key users were, basing decisions on how to optimise the site focussed on their requirements.
Understanding different purchase influencers
Our UX work started with the basics – undertaking research to understand audience groups and developing personas for each. These sought to highlight a range of factors that would help to inform good UX and move users through the site as efficiently as possible.
A number of these were produced to reflect the different influencers across MGF’s typical purchase process, from specifier through to those using their equipment on site. Importantly, they included not only key rational and functional requirements, but also emotional considerations that may be at play when that person interacts with MGF.

Optimal user flows
By understanding and mapping out these drivers we were able to develop optimal user flows for the site – showing clearly how pages and content interrelated to serve visitors the information they needed as efficiently as possible.
This allowed us to draw out which were the most important pages and site functions needed to make those journeys happen with the least friction. A number of these were produced to reflect the different stakeholders MGF communicates with.
Effective site structure
In turn we were then able to build out a suite of wireframes against these user flows, which visualised both how pages interrelated, and the key functionality each would include. This provided the foundations for full page designs, which included recommendations on how the existing MGF brand could be applied in a more digital-friendly manner – without needing to reinvent brand guidelines.
This full package of assets was then handed over to MGF’s in-house development team to roll out across the site.