Sigmavision / MotaGoGo
Brand sprint, customer journey mapping, naming, brand development.
Sigmavision has market-leading 3D tyre reading technology. It has previously been sold into the car after-sales market, helping garages sell additional services such as new tyres and wheel alignment. Following investment, a new opportunity was identified to help keep drivers safe – offering this technology to the public by installing specialized ramps that analyses a driver’s tyres and informs them of their condition.
To launch effectively, Sigmavision needed to establish a brand name, create brand positioning and identity, and develop supporting marketing collateral.
The approach
Using our “relevant + engaging = effective” philosophy, we condensed and adapted a Google Design Sprint, making it suitable for brand development, over one day. This helped us to explore the key factors that would impact the project and how we could ensure the most effective communications with customers. The day covered several creative exercises including end-user interviews along with desk research and customer journey mapping to help define what the audience would find most engaging.
The outcome was a clear vision for the brand and which messages would resonate most with its audiences. This approach also helped to align all stakeholders at the start of the project, avoiding any misdirected approaches further down the line.
The strategy
Tyre condition is typically something that most people don’t think about until it’s too late, and the tyres are potentially dangerous. So identifying precisely what messaging to deliver and when across the customer journey, starting with the drivers and tyre resellers and then working our way back to the carpark owners was critical to ensure the brand was communicated effectively.
Our discovery work showed that people view tyre condition as a trade-off between the safety of themselves and their passengers, and the time they would need to spend on a tyre check. This was compounded by uncertainty over exactly when a tyre is potentially unsafe and requires changing.
This informed our strategy of positioning the new brand as allowing people to stay on top of their tyre safety by having the assurance of a specialist check with virtually no impact on their time.

The results
The Motagogo brand was launched to the market with the “Safer Tyres, Safer Journey!” brand promise. A fresh, modern brandmark and visual identity were developed and implemented across traditional and digital channels including point of use in car parks across the UK.