The world of B2B marketing is constantly evolving; in order to quench our thirst for knowledge we regularly host thought leadership events and workshops to ensure we consistently give our clients an unfair advantage over their competitors.

Open to Lesniak Swann clients, the events provide an insight into the latest thinking and trends in marketing strategy, campaign planning, implementation and analysis. The courses vary with some aimed at senior marketing leaders, and others specifically tailored for those working in marketing executive or middle management roles.
Led by thought provoking and trailblazing industry leaders, the events provide an opportunity for attendees to gain new skills and insights that will enable them to grow and develop their professional capabilities and help to advance their careers.
Briefing Best Practice (Webinar)
Date: Thursday 20th October 2022 (10am-12pm)
There’s an old agency adage: “rubbish in, rubbish out”, which neatly sums up how important briefing is to producing good, effective work.
But on the other hand there can be unnecessary snobbery about what makes a good brief. What’s the key information an agency needs? How do you minimise the chance of a mis-brief? What’s the best way to communicate all this?
This event aims to dispel the smokescreen around briefing – covering off the key points in how clients can put an effective brief together and get more reliable results back from their agencies.
Leading the event will be Danny Herbert, an independent marketing professional with over 30 years’ experience both receiving and developing agency briefings in both B2C and B2B. His background includes director-level posts at 2 previous regional Agencies of the Year, consulting on international strategy development for such as JLR and Kier Group, and the procurement of agencies for numerous clients.
During the session Danny will be encouraging you to participate, by storytelling and short exercises, and to share his enthusiasm for the Holy Grail of good briefs.
Sign up via LinkedIn here or contact your Account Manager.
Note places are limited so early booking is advised.
An introduction to Behavioural Economics
and why it changes EVERYTHING
Date: 8th November 2022
Time: 10am – 4pm
Venue: The Upper House, Barlaston, ST12 9AE
You may have heard of the “nudge” theory or ‘thinking fast and slow’ and wondered why organisations focus on the emotional part of the brain instead of the rational part when seeking to stimulate better sales and improve brand bias.
Learning how to change behaviour and understand how people choose a particular brand or product is pivotal – as is knowing that we don’t think the way we think that we do!
This provocative course provides a treasure trove of insight for marketeers to help increase the effectiveness of campaigns. We will reveal why appealing to the emotions is crucial and why we should distinguish what people do from what they say, and the whole range of unconscious biases that affect our decision-making.
Anthony Tasgal is an award winning author. He is a Course Director for the CIM [Chartered Institute of Marketing] and the MRS [Market Research Society], The Civil Service College and the IOIC, specialising in Storytelling, Behavioural Economics and “Insightment” working in UK, Europe, US, Australia and China. He is a long term Ad Agency Planner and Strategist and regularly speaks at international conferences. He is also an occasional contributor to Talk Radio, on the subject of marketing, advertising and the foibles of human behaviour.
To reserve your place get in touch with your Account Manager.
Note places are limited so early booking is advised.